Gestational Surrogacy Evaluations

I have extensive experience and expertise in understanding the complex psychosocial issues inherent in gestational surrogacy.  I work closely with the carriers, intended parents, attorneys, and medical teams to evaluate and counsel these arrangements to ensure the best possible outcome for all parties.

When screening  gestational surrogates, I meet with all parties both individually and as a group (as necessary).

When evaluating potential carriers, I meet with the gestational surrogate for a structured clinical interview.  I also administer personality testing as well as other psychological measures that help me determine psychological appropriateness for surrogacy.  Important factors that I consiser include psychological functioning and emotional stability, motivation for carrying,  lifestyle, previous experiences with pregnancy and motherhood,  and the ability to provide informed consent.  If the surrogate is in a relationship, I will meet with her spouse/partner in order to assess her support network as she moves forward in the process. 

I will also meet with the intended parents as part of this evaluation process to provide psychoeducational information as well as to discuss the various issues inherent in this process.  I discuss various aspects of a surrogacy arrangement  with both carriers and intended parent including the risks involved (both emotional and physical) as well as  thoughts and feelings related to genetic testing, multiple pregnancies, pregnancy termination, and contact both during and after the pregnancy.

I provide reports, as necessary, to attorneys, medical teams, or agencies.

 © Mary Riddle 2014